Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
February at Kid Life

This Month's Verse:

Session 1: God Shows Us Himself through His World
Read: Psalm 8
Highlight: Psalm 8:3-4
Reflect: How can you see God in the world around you this week?
Prepare: God shows us Himself through His world. How can you intentionally pause and enjoy nature this week and take in all that God has created?
Session 2: God Shows Us Himself through His Book
Read: Acts 8:26-40
Highlight: Acts 8:35
Reflect: How can you draw closer to God through His book?
Prepare: What’s a Bible verse that encourages you that you can share with others?
Session 3: God Shows Us Himself through His Son
Read: John 3:1-21
Highlight: John 3:16-17
Reflect: What’s a way you can celebrate the gift of Jesus this week?
Prepare: What’s your story about who you were before you starting following Jesus, when you started following Jesus, and what your life is like now?
Session 4: God Shows Us Himself through His People
Read: Acts 17:16-34
Highlight: Acts 17:32-34
Reflect: What is a way that you can allow God to work through you to show Himself to others?
Prepare: We are made to know God because God loves us and wants a deeper relationship with us. What’s a story you have of someone who shared Jesus with you and how it changed your life?
Read: Psalm 8
Highlight: Psalm 8:3-4
Reflect: How can you see God in the world around you this week?
- Spend time outside—even if only for a few mintues—taking in all that God created and appreciating His creation.
- Write down a list of the amazing ways you see God at work in the world.
- Reflect on something you’ve seen God do in your life or in the life of a friend. Thank God for continuing to move and work in our world and in our lives.
Prepare: God shows us Himself through His world. How can you intentionally pause and enjoy nature this week and take in all that God has created?
Session 2: God Shows Us Himself through His Book
Read: Acts 8:26-40
Highlight: Acts 8:35
Reflect: How can you draw closer to God through His book?
- Read Acts 8:26-40 and Psalm 8 this week. Ask God to teach you and give you a greater desire to read His Word
- Write down and memorize our Theme verse, Deuteronomy 4:35b. When you read the verse, remind yourself that you are meant to know God and have a personal intimate relationship with Him.
- Talk with a friend or family member about what God is teaching you through
His Word.
Prepare: What’s a Bible verse that encourages you that you can share with others?
Session 3: God Shows Us Himself through His Son
Read: John 3:1-21
Highlight: John 3:16-17
Reflect: What’s a way you can celebrate the gift of Jesus this week?
- Share with someone my faith journey and how Jesus has changed my life.
- Spend time reading one of Gospels, focusing on the words and actions of Jesus. Highlight amazing things Jesus does and says.
- Pray for someone in my life to believe in Jesus and start following Him.
Prepare: What’s your story about who you were before you starting following Jesus, when you started following Jesus, and what your life is like now?
Session 4: God Shows Us Himself through His People
Read: Acts 17:16-34
Highlight: Acts 17:32-34
Reflect: What is a way that you can allow God to work through you to show Himself to others?
- Offer to help someone in need and share that it’s because of my faith.
- Lead a devotional time with family or friends, reading through Acts 17:16-34 and asking them the Reflect and Prepare questions provided here.
- Spend time with an older Christian and ask for wisdom on how to show the love of Jesus to others.
Prepare: We are made to know God because God loves us and wants a deeper relationship with us. What’s a story you have of someone who shared Jesus with you and how it changed your life?